Anyway, went out with Rachel on Tuesday. But didn't go Children's Little Museum due to the timings. Next time?
Let the pictures do the talking for a while.
Then we headed to Orchard after that. Nothing to do I guess.
AXE Movie outing~
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. At first I thought the guy name was Cloudy ~_~ Then I realised it has to do with the Clouds. Haha. Anyway, the story is kind of typical.
The mother always support the guy. But then the father discourages him. After the mother passed away, no one was there to encourage him. Da da da.... He meets a girl... da da da & the father-son relationship became better in the end. The girl ends up with him. Yup.
I'm not a good story teller :P
Pictures in FB~ :P
I feel like closing my blog too. T.T