I find it really creative to do this post, specially for my dearest BFF, Rachel!
I wasn't being a good best friend one year ago, buying your present last minute and even saw you in the mall.
So, I decided this year would be different.
One month ago, I was thinking of what to give you. And exactly one month ago, I found what I want to give you. I want to give you something that is one-and-only.
& exactly 1 week before mine, I received these! So happy that I immediately took a picture with it.
I wanted to wear mine out first, but you might probe me about it, so I decided to let you have it before I wear mine out with you.
Since I was so excited about your present and really want to give you as soon as possible, I decided to give you a hint. HAHAHA, it was funny that you said it was the wrapping paper when it wasn't.
Here's the picture:

When zoomed out:

(Taken using my camera)
You should know where that hint in the big picture is at bah.
If you don't know, I have nothing to say -.-
I must admit that my phone camera is better than my camera. o.0

See they are really better, right?
Okay, I don't really know how to tie that ribbon, so it seems kinda ugly, but you won't mind right? :P
I hope you like the necklace specially made for you!
Before I end, this is my 18-year-old BFF, Rachel Cheow! Hehehe.


Let's play "Spot the difference!" HAHAHA.
See the position of the tissue before and after.
This is funny right?
you secretly took pic of me!! naughty girl! & I love the necklace esp since its from you HEHE...